So of all of my "goals" for this trip, the ones I think I have achieved so far are trying tons of authentic Colombian food (which is super easy because La Gordita makes me three meals a day that are all super authentic and sooo delicious), and achieving one of my worst hangovers ever from a Colombian liquor called Aguardiente. Whew! Not only did I not like the taste (I just drank it to go along with "Bienvenido a Colombia" thing... tasted like black licorice.. bleh!), I hated the effects the next day. Unfortunately I drank it the day before I spent the day walking around Bogotá, taking a 30 minute bus ride to downtown, and visiting the Museo del Oro (Gold Museum). I was able to recover by the evening with lots of café, postres, y sandwiches.
I've met some pretty amazing people here so far and all of them are so welcoming to me. I kind of feel like I'm cheating because most people my age speak some English, and to make me feel comfortable they speak in English to me and Spanish to each other. I think I have to buck up and tell them to only speak to me in Spanish. It's nice that they want me to feel welcome though.
I've also noticed that there is a lot of US culture here, especially in Bogotá. The music, tv shows, stores, movies, and other things like that are often also from the US. Also, I find myself calling myself "American" which is normal for us to say, right? Well, here it's pretty much rude to say that because everyone from North or South America is an American. So I am from the US, or a "Gringa"... which makes most people laugh when I say.
Tonight we're headed back into Bogotá for a night of Salsa. It should be very fun! I'll try to get those pictures uploaded soon and will have more stories to come. I love Colombia! :)
Catch me later :)
Aguardiente, the cultural experience we could all do without.